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Fellowship Apprenticeship Program in Fire & Ice Heathenry

The Fellowship of Fire & Ice is proud to offer dedicated, intensive apprenticeship training for anyone interested in deepening their practice, taking on a greater role in our community, receiving clergy training and status, and helping build inclusive, radical Heathen spirituality.  We provide training for people who are interested in stepping into the sacred roles of Goðar, the ritualists and facilitators of gatherings, Völur, the seers and mystics, Skalds, the storytellers and lorekeepers, and Wards, guarantors of safety in sacred space.  More information on these roles can be found in Chapter Four of The Way of Fire & Ice.

Anyone interested in applying for apprenticeship training must have already or be on track to complete all three classes of the Core Path and at least three classes from one other path, such as Seiðr, Runelore, or Lore Study by January 2025.

Applications for our next offering of apprenticeship training are now open until November 1st!  You can sign up using the following form, if you have any questions then please reach out to

Thanks for submitting!

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©2024 by On Black Wings.  Background and banner art by Valerie Herron.

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