Welcome to the Heathen Cookbook!
Welcome to the Heathen Cookbook, a community resource for all Heathens, Pagans, and members of other religious minorities. This collection of posts consists of information contributed by Heathens and Pagans on places where members of our communities can find assistance with food, housing, and other forms of relief aid without the heavy strings that often come with more mainstream religious charities. These resources have been organized based on the nature of assistance and support offered.
If you have a resource you would like to contribute to the Heathen Cookbook or have information on an existing resource that needs to be updated, please fill out this form with all the required information. Even though most of our resources are currently based in the United States, we are seeking to provide help to practitioners all over the world and welcome submissions from every country provided they are for groups which are genuinely inclusive in their policies and assistance offered. We are currently seeking information for all sections.
Antifascism - Community groups organized around defending their neighbors, friends, and homes from fascist and white supremacist organizing.
Disaster Relief - Groups, organizations, and networks oriented towards disaster relief and reconstruction.
Do It Yourself Guides - Written guides on topics like basic survival skills, home repair, food cultivation, and other related subjects. If you would like to contribute a DIY Guide to the Heathen Cookbook please send your 1000-1500 word submission to cookbook@onblackwings.com.
Food Aid - Food banks, community pantries, soup kitchens, and other resources that provide direct food aid to those in need.
Healthcare - Covering everything from community clinics and medical aid programs to mental health and addiction support groups.
Housing Assistance - For everything from housing groups to tenants associations, housing collectives, temporary shelter, and any other resources that provide housing for the unhoused.
Legal Aid - Everything from Pagan and Heathen friendly attorneys to groups who provide low cost and pro bono services to those in need.
National Bail Fund Network - A directory of local bail funds in the United States listed by state.
Mutual Aid - Community organizations that emphasize collective empowerment through mutual assistance and support.