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Ryan Smith
Jun 16, 20194 min read
Guides, Not Gatekeepers
One major challenge facing all forms of Paganism, regardless of the particulars, is the role of the clergy. As a group of new forms of...

Ryan Smith
Apr 26, 20195 min read
Integrating Practice Into Your Life
So far all of what has been covered focuses on the ideas and general principles of the Way of Fire & Ice. These are essential for...

Ryan Smith
Apr 18, 20194 min read
Inclusive Practice
Answering the question of what inclusivity in spirituality is has driven intense debate across all forms of Paganism, including and...

Ryan Smith
Apr 11, 20195 min read
Making Spirituality Serve People
Serving people’s needs in the context of spirituality is a complicated question to wrestle with. What makes this such a thorny matter is...
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