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Liagis Margfirar name/they/them
Liagis is an author, photographer, graphic artist, and content creator best known for their expertise in the realms of the Runes and BindRunes. Liagis is also the co-owner of the brand “Moons and Runes” alongside their sister which focuses on support and frith for esoterics and the mundane alike. Being able to thrive in a safe, anti fasc place is paramount to them. Liagis has been a practicing heathen for just over three years, and is a forever student, always reverent of the Runes, and what they entail. Liagis continues to further their practice with the Runes through poetry, epithets, teaching, and helping design BindRunes for others, and of course through their writing series here, “Journey Through the Runic Cosmos!”. Liagis is also currently working on a very dear project to them which will be launched January 2024 and that is the contemporary divination system dubbed “The Liagos Runatis”.
I am thankful and proud to be part of what we're doing here at On Black Wings, thanks for having me, and reading my works; May the Runes be with you!
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