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Laurie "Asra" Sottilaro
Mar 10, 20244 min read
Gylfaginning 8:The Creation of the World Part 1
The chapter opens with Gylfi asking what happened after Ymir was slaughtered. Odin in his Trinity explain how Ymir's body was taken into...

Laurie "Asra" Sottilaro
Feb 12, 20245 min read
Gylfaginning 7: The Slaying of Ymir
Gangleri’s next question, how did the descendents of Ymir and of Búri get along, drives right to the beginning of the central conflict of...

Laurie "Asra" Sottilaro
Jan 8, 20245 min read
Gylfaginning 6: Oðinn's Family
With Auðumla established as the food source for Ymir, the next logical question is asked: what did the great cow eat? High responds that...

Laurie "Asra" Sottilaro
Dec 11, 20235 min read
Gylfaginning 4-6: Ginnungagap and Ymir
With the early Norse mythological world set up, it's time to return to the narrative. When Gylfi asks how things began, the trinity...
Laurie "Asra" Sottilaro
Nov 6, 20235 min read
Gylfaginning 4: Muspelheim and Niflheim
Gylfaginning 4 opens with Gylfi asking how the world began. High responds with a quote from Völuspá, establishing that there was nothing...

Laurie "Asra" Sottilaro
Jul 10, 20234 min read
The Prologue of the Prose Edda
The prologue of the Prose Edda has very little to do with what heathens believe, and is generally ignored as a quaint fantasy. To the...

Laurie "Asra" Sottilaro
Jun 13, 20236 min read
Christian Bias in the Prose Edda
We've covered Snorri's life and times, his reasons for writing the Edda, and his probable education; it's finally time to touch on the...
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